Saturday, June 21, 2008


Last night was Moms' Night Out for our church playgroup. We met at the Parish Activity Center and played Bunco! I had never played before and neither had most of the others. We ended up with enough people to play two tables and once we got the hang of it, we had a really good time. We didn't play for prizes last night, as we were all learning. But if we had played for prizes, I'd have won the esteemed 50/50 prize. HA!! I won 12 games and lost 12 games. I guess it could have been worse...right?

We're hoping to play again soon. One of our ladies is going back to school and another is due with her second child any day now, so we're hoping to get another rowdy night on the schedule.

I just joined our church playgroup this past winter, though I've known about it since Sarah was born. I felt that for some reason they wouldn't want me to join, so I let my insecurity keep me away for years. I really like these ladies and I am so glad I finally got my act in gear. My life is richer for knowing them.

To be totally cliche, I'm glad I rolled the dice and joined the playgroup.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that Bunco is really fun, but I've never played either. I'm glad you had a good time and got some time without the girls.
