Thursday, June 26, 2008

Broken legs and a meal plan

Why does it seem that everything really does happen in threes? My friend's son, E, broke his tibia recently and sported a big, blue cast from thigh to toes for 3 weeks. Then, a friend of a friend broke her femur--and as the mother of children, you can imagine how much difficulty they are having.

So this morning I wake up to an email that my friend, Vicki, who is due to deliver her second child in the next week or two, was in the hospital last night. I was THRILLED to read the good news and hoping it was PINK news. As I read the email, I discover that she was at Children's Hospital with her two-year-old son who----broke his femur!! He's in a body cast and has to lie down for the next four weeks (minimum) and she's going to deliver this new baby any day now.

Feeling awful for her, our playgroup sprung into action and have set up 3 meals/week for the family for the month of July and we're heading into August now. It's fun to put all of this together but I wish it was just for the new baby and now for poor N's broken leg.

We'll be praying he heals quickly so he can enjoy his new brother or sister. That new kiddo is going to have one big story to tell about how Big Brother stole the the thunder from his/her birth!! :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Ballerina Kaka

In our house, bowel movements are known as "kaka" (a Polish word for that action). This weekend, Charlotte got a bit of a cold and began her first duel with diarrhea. She's totally frightened of going because it's different than what she's used to experiencing. Recently, she's battled her first real case of vomiting and she's decided she doesn't like puking. Yesterday she told me that her "kaka puked" and it was too stinky (followed by gagging noises).

Today, I couldn't make out what she was saying but I figured it out: She overheard me tell Andy that she has diarrhea but she can't pronounce that word. She used the closest word she could pronounce so all day today she's been telling me, "I don't like ballerina kaka! I don't like ballerina kaka!"

So diarrhea may always been known as ballerina kaka in the Murphy household. At least for now.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Last night was Moms' Night Out for our church playgroup. We met at the Parish Activity Center and played Bunco! I had never played before and neither had most of the others. We ended up with enough people to play two tables and once we got the hang of it, we had a really good time. We didn't play for prizes last night, as we were all learning. But if we had played for prizes, I'd have won the esteemed 50/50 prize. HA!! I won 12 games and lost 12 games. I guess it could have been worse...right?

We're hoping to play again soon. One of our ladies is going back to school and another is due with her second child any day now, so we're hoping to get another rowdy night on the schedule.

I just joined our church playgroup this past winter, though I've known about it since Sarah was born. I felt that for some reason they wouldn't want me to join, so I let my insecurity keep me away for years. I really like these ladies and I am so glad I finally got my act in gear. My life is richer for knowing them.

To be totally cliche, I'm glad I rolled the dice and joined the playgroup.

Friday, June 20, 2008

VBS and Mama Time

Today was the girls' last day of VBS. Last night they did a little performance for the parents. Sarah actually participated! She's really coming into her own. During her first year of preschool, she didn't really join in when her class was singing or doing hand motions. So it was exciting to see her doing the motions and singing with her friends last night. During the preschool part (Squeaky Beekers), Char just stood there sucking her thumb. That's pretty opposite of her personality so we were surprised. I'm sure as she's exposed to this kind of thing more often, she'll perk up.

One of the most exciting things about VBS wa the amount of Mommy Time I got this week. I shopped alone, got my hair cut, ran errands, and relaxed in my "spare" time. :)

I wish they had VBS every week.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Why not?

So many of my friends are"blogging" now and I have resisted for reasons even I don't understand. Maybe I thought I wouldn't have time. Maybe I figured I was too old and "out of the loop" to do it properly. Maybe I was just too lazy.

In spite of all of those excuses, I find myself here--blogging. I don't know that I'll have much of anything to say that's worth reading but here I am anyway.

Okay--here's a quick catch up:

1995--Graduated high school and entered Wright State University
1997--Started dating Andy; he left Wright State to finish school in Cleveland
2000--Andy moved back to Dayton and started working at LexisNexis after graduating from Cleveland State; got engaged
2001--Got married
2002--Bought our first home and became pregnant with our first child
2003--Sarah was born in April
2004--Became pregnant with Charlotte
2005--Charlotte was born in March
2006--Became pregnant with Sam; lost him to Trisomy 9 in November
2007--Became pregnant with Gabriel, Laura, & Joy; lost all three--Joy to Trisomy 1; no explanation for the other two; Bought our second home and finally sold our first home.
2008--Became pregnant with Erin and lost her in February to an unknown cause; Sarah graduated preschool and is headed to kindergarten in the fall; Char will start preschool in September

That's a BRIEF history. I'm sure that throughout my blogging "life" I'll expand on some of those but for now, it'll suffice.

Well, I'm a part of the blogging community now. It's official. Hello Blogosphere!