Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another eerie memory

As I was making Sarah's bed today, I had this odd memory. When we honeymooned in Hawaii, one of the most memorable things we did was visit the site of the Pearl Harbor attack and the Might Missouri (the battleship where the war surrender was signed).

While we were there, we talked about how we couldn't imagine an attack on our country and how blessed we felt to live in an America where nothing like that could happen again. We were silenced with awe and wonder at what those men endured on that awful day in the water off of the coast of Oahu. The sunken ships are still visible and the memorial is built over the USS Arizona. The rusty turrets and stacks are frightening, humbling, and devastating.

Little did we know that just over a week later, we'd experience something on a similar scale and watch it unfold. Heartbreaking.

I looked up some of our photos from that day and thought I'd share them.
From the museum on the island, looking out over the water

On the boat ride out to the Arizona. They played an audio piece with commentary from survivors and family members during the 5-minute ride.

The names of those killed on that fateful day. Many of them found their final resting place directly under our feet as we stood there reading.

Part of the ship sticking out of the water is a reminder of how many men met a watery grave

1 comment:

  1. We'd like to visit someday too, but that'll be a long way off. Thanks for sharing your pics.
