Tuesday, May 14, 2019

I'm Back! Annnnd We're Leaving!

With the birth of Facebook, this poor little blog has sat on the virtual shelf for so long that I actually forgot it even existed. It was only when I mentioned wanting to blog about our upcoming summer vacation and went looking for the right platform that I stumbled upon my old friend. I have had a fun day re-reading my old posts and reliving those fun times. Alex was a BABY when I made my last post. He's 10 years old now and the girls are teenagers! Funny, though--I haven't aged at all in this time. Weird. Over the years we've learned lots about each other, our friends, our favorite things, and favorite places. Topsail Island, NC is one of our favorite vacation spots and we always return to the same rental house each year.

On the way home from the beach last year, we started chatting about doing a different kind of vacation. I mentioned that maybe we could just work from the beach for a month (because I love it there so much!) and Andy said that if we were going to be gone for a month, he'd like to travel the western portion of the country--something he's talked about since we met in college. When we arrived home from the beach that night, we spread our big US map out on the floor and started putting little Post-It notes on all the sites we dreamed about seeing across the country.

Fast forward to today and we have a complete itinerary. Instead of our giant, Post-It covered floor map, we've graduated to an app called Roadtrippers. We're embarking on a nearly-month-long trip this summer and will be exploring in 20 cities across the western portion of the country.

All lodging has been booked and city dossiers are nearing completion. The kids are getting excited and their excitement helps me look past all the planning to the fun of the trip. We'll be using this platform to share all the cool things we see and do throughout our trip so check back here frequently for updates!

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