Thursday, April 2, 2009

A few photos

I keep promising to post a few pics of Alex and keep finding excuses not to do it. Andy is bathing the girls and watching Alex upstairs so I'm all alone and can't find an excuse to avoid it any further.

Alex smiling at Sarah, his favorite smiling target

Sleepy baby

I guess he didn't want me taking is picture!
**Note his BLUE eyes--they'll likely turn brown so I like early blue-eyed photos.

His "What choo talkin' about, Willis?" face


  1. ah how cute! Your little man is such a cutie pie. So how you like having a boy to hang around with ? lol They have so much energy.

  2. That last one is my favorite!

    He's growing so fast already, I hope I can see him this weekend :-)

    Thanks for posting.
