Monday, February 2, 2009

It's a go!

We had our last BPP today and an amniocentesis. My two previous experiences with amnios were mixed--the first one was simple and actually comical while the second one was awful and painfully uncomfortable. So I didn't know what to expect this time around. Baby had one pocket of fluid up near my ribs so that's where the doctor went. Fortunately, this time was quite easy and my body decided to wait until the needle was removed to have a contraction. Whew!!

Baby was measuring over 8 pounds today and we heard an interesting anecdotal while the doc was prepping my belly for the procedure. He said to the ultrasound tech, "Remember that one from Friday that measured 7lbs, 7oz.? She gave birth this weekend and the baby was 9lbs, 11oz." WHAT??!! I said, "Oh, that's a great story to tell me right now!"

We got a call from my OB at 1:45 saying that Baby's lungs showed maturity so we're a GO for Wednesday morning at 6am. We are as ready as we'll ever be. We got most things ready this weekend and all set up for Baby's arrival. I got the girls' clothes all set out for the week, some meals in the freezer, all the baby "equipment" in place, the car seat straps cleaned and starched, and my bag packed (almost). So now we just wait for another 36 or so hours and we'll get things started to meet our new guy or gal. :D

Next time I update, hopefully it'll include Baby Murphy pictures!


  1. Sounds exciting! My thoughts are with you - best of luck, be strong, and keep your eyes on the prize! ;)

  2. Good luck!!!

    I'll be thinking and praying for a healthy mom and baby. :)

  3. I can't wait!

    I'll be praying,keep us posted.
