Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween...kinda

Today was Charlotte's Halloween party at preschool. She was so psyched to go to school in her cow costume. Here she is with her fellow classmates including a bee, a poodle, a doctor, a firefighter, and Indiana Jones.

After school, we headed to my doctor because I've been coughing like a fiend. I had 4 months' worth of pneumonia when I was pregnant with Charlotte and I do NOT want to repeat that; it was definitely not fun to have broken ribs while growing a baby!! And it turns out I headed to the doc just in time. I have a good case of bronchitis that would have likely been headed toward pneumonia if I'd not gotten treatment. I'm on antibiotics and feeling generally miserable.

Just as I was settling in for a nice afternoon nap to help get rid of my headache and give me a better chance of feeling well, Sarah came downstairs and proclaimed, "Mom, I puked all over my bed and the floor." Surely enough, there was clear evidence that she was not mistaken. I cleaned it up and put her back to bed. Less than 30 minutes later, she came down and said she couldn't sleep. She proceed to vomit again, and again, and again until 8:30pm. Add in a few bouts of diarrhea and a few changes of clothes and it made for a great trick-or-treat night.

Andy took Charlotte out trick-or-treating for about 30 minutes. Our precious Charlotte took her bag and a bag for Sarah. She told all of our neighbors that Sarah was home sick and they all thought she was very kind for caring about her sister.

Sarah was so happy and thankful that her sister thought of her and brought candy for her. And Charlotte was happy to do it.

There's nothing like a good sister.

Happy Halloween!!

For all of our Halloween pictures, including our 4th annual Halloween party, visit

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Warmed my heart

Today, Oprah featured miracle children. I was looking forward to seeing it but fell asleep after the first two guests (conjoined twins separated at age 4). I have a cold and with the additional blood pressure medication I'm taking, I spend a good deal of my day very drowsy so I missed the next 30 minutes to a nap.

When I awoke, Oprah and Celine Dion (where'd she come from??) were crying and went to commercial. Thanks to the beauty of DVR, I rewound the segment and watched. She featured this YouTube video posted by parents of a boy named Eliot.

As the parents of at least two Trisomy babies (our Sam had Trisomy 9 and our Laura had Trisomy 1--Joy had normal chromosomes; Gabriel and Erin's chromosomes were not tested), this was especially touching. While we never had the joy of holding those five babies in our arms, our hearts feel the same way these parents do. Our lives were BLESSED to have had all of you for the short time you were on Earth and we know that you are full and healthy in Heaven.

Rest well, sweet babies. Your friend, Eliot, can tell you what it feels like to be kissed by Mommy and Daddy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Busy and sleepy

I've been so busy lately. Fortunately, some of that busyness should start to settle down. I've been working on a committee at our church to organize a stewardship initiative. This past weekend we had a big ministry fair and it took a lot of my time. It was a great success so I'm glad I did it. But I was EXHAUSTED afteward.

To add to my exhaustion, my high-risk OB put me on blood pressure medication a couple of weeks ago. This medication makes me feel like a zombie from about 11:30am-5:30pm. I HAVE to nap while the girls are napping or I am virtually unable to function. At this point, it's better than bed rest but how much better?? I'm not so sure sometimes.

My regular OB called me her "biggest nightmare" last week. She said she's confused about why my blood pressure is normal when I'm not pregnant but it starts to skyrocket so early in pregnancy. I suppose it's a mystery.

On a better note, Baby has been moving around and really becoming active. The girls are excited about the baby; Charlotte is really enjoying singing and talking to the baby. She comes up to me sevearl times a day and says to my belly, "Hi Baby!" She sings to the baby and constantly asks if Baby is done growing yet. :)

So good news and less-than-thrilling news this time.